The average TV commercial is said to cost around $350,000, but it's safe to say this ad for Allied Irish Bank was well south of that.
The ad was shot entirely with an iPhone 5. “It was a big decision to shoot the ads on the iPhone. But once we did some preliminary tests, we knew that they were able to deliver high quality footage," Damian Hanley, creative director at Irish ad agency Rothco, the creator of the ad, explained in a statement, that said
The ad is pretty simple. It appears to be a view from a train and is meant to capture "those moments on a journey when you look up from whatever you’re doing on your phone and look out the window" according to the ad agency. There are others in the series, which took a total of two days to shoot. Like other ads in the campaign, the TV spot above, which features the song "Petardu" from the Dublin based band Delorentos, celebrates the fact that 350,000 people have downloaded AIB's app.
Watch It: